Delivering Your eBooks

When you buy an ebook direct from me, I deliver your purchase through a fantastic service called BookFunnel. They make life so much easier for indie booksellers and for our readers. They help authors reach readers directly and earn a bit more from each sale, which gives us the time and energy to write more books for you.

As soon as you place an order, BookFunnel emails you a download link from the address You can click the link to their distribution site (BookHip) to send your book to your e-reader or computer, or you can use the BookFunnel app on the device of your choice.

You can choose ePub, Kindle, or legacy MOBI files (for older Kindle devices). That means no worries about whether you're using an e-reader from Kobo, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon, or which app you need for your tablet or phone.

If you remember the frustrating old days of struggling to side-load ebooks, you’ll be delighted at how smoothly this works!

BookFunnel also saves all of your purchases in a personal online library at just for you, so you can re-download or read right in your web browser.

Best of all, if you run into any technical issues, they have excellent tech support for both readers and writers.

Looking for print books, or want to buy from your favorite online retailer? Don't worry, I've got you covered!

Want to read our books from your local library? I'm happy to help!